Friday, December 24, 2010

A few Random Observations...

First of all, driving anywhere on x-mas eve is insane and only the seriously deranged choose to do so...myself included in that.  I always wait until the last minute to buy x-mas gifts, I think by some chance I'm going to stumble upon tons of money and be able to afford elaborate gifts for people.  Alas, it didn't happen...again.  (although I'm waiting for a bunch of checks...a bunch = three)

I traipse around in search of gifts and lo and behold I pass by a store that says "California Detal".  What the hell is that?  (I think to myself)  I look at the store front and still no clue.  It's a dirty gross building and in my neighborhood, that could be could go either way..Dental or Detail (as in cars).  I stare and stare at the stoplight trying desperately to figure it out.  If it's dental, I'm sure as hell NEVER going there...if it's detail, I don't have to cuz I'm currently transportationally challenged.  But I still want to know goddamn it!

The mystery never gets solved.  I mosely along to the next destination.  I see a HUGE banner that says; "O% off all accessories until Christmas!"  I see the banner and think; "Wow, I should stop in there and then...WAIT, 0 fucking percent off?"  That means it's not on sale at all...but there is a big banner.  0 percent must be a good deal, wait, what?  It's fucking christmas, something must be on sale...I should investigate. 

I kept driving and I did take note it was a smoke shop.  Maybe they thought stoners (not that I know any...*clears throat*)...stoners would totally stop because it's a big fucking banner and sometimes (I've heard) your vision can be shakey.  My other theory being, whoever got it made was stoned and thought it'd be hilarious to say 0 percent off and figured stoners would stop anyway either A) because they thought it was funny and hence, would buy shit or b) stoners would stop in to see what the big banner hoopla was about and when they realized there is no sale they'd say "fuck it" and buy the stuff anyways and c) completely non-stoner types who wanted to correct them and they would be sucked into the fold and buy stuff too (ya know, for their stoner friends...but only the ones with cataracts). 

Thursday, December 23, 2010


This has been a ridiculously rough month.  I spent the last week dealing with a nut and now I have to do this christmas shopping hoopla stuff.  I'm trying to stay on top of the screenplay I'm writing and I'm stuck.  I never get stuck and now here I am...stuck.  My villian isn't quite as evil as I planned, he's just creepy and perverse.  I'm having a hard time coming up with motivational things to inspire his evilness.  I'm good with evil too...damn.

I'm tired beyond belief...and it appears everytime I leave my house, I encounter weird shit.  For instance, I go to the bank yesterday and when I go to the counter area to sign my checks...for some odd reason, all the pens are GONE...someone decided to rip the pens...all of them from their little string stand.  Seriously, this would only happen in the bank I go to...every other bank in LA probably has their pens all intact and ready to sign shit but of couse, not the fucking bank I frequent...that would just be too fucking convenient.

Then I go to buy a gift card from this fucking cheesy place and I can't find turns out the lights on their sign are burnt out..instead of being the "elephant bar'...they are now the "ant bar".  I wasn't looking to buy a gift card from the Ant Bar...

Oh the day before that...I saw Courtney Kardashian.  Not that I give a rat's rectum about her but she was texting and looking up every so often to glare at people.  As if no one is allowed to look at her, as if anyone would want to.  Jeez.

My last babbling nonsensical piece of nothingness is; did you know the McRib has a twitter account?  If you are following the McRib, I would suggest that you really need to find a hobby.  And if you know anyone following the McRib, I feel it's safe to say that the terrorists have won.

Friday, December 10, 2010


I miss fun, goddamn it!  I got to go out to happy hour with my homie for a few hours tonight and had so much fun.  I wanted to keep having FUN...but alas, she had to go do something for her boyfriend and it ended.  I tried to drum up a little more fun but much to my dismay...other people were out having their own brand of fun which I was sitting at home missing out on....while trying wrangle up some more fun.

In all seriousness though...I haven't gotten my fun on for two years.  (partly cuz I was pregger and with a baby) but now she's the ripe old age of 15 months.  Time to grow up and take care of yourself so Mommy can seek out fun and do fun shit again.

I miss my friends.  I used to have tons of friends but being the first one of such friends with a child really throws a damper on your social life.  People invite you places not realizing that someone is eating off your boob so you can't exactly get up and leave...that is just plain rude.  Soon thereafter, the friends and makers of fun forget about you and stop calling.  No one don't notice are hankering around for fun. 

I'm on a quest for fun.  I moved a different neighborhood where fun is at a minimum.  There are no cool clubs, nothing to walk too and just not fun people around.  Most of them are rather drab and sad sack-like.  It's a real drag when you are out to have some goddamn mother fucking FUN. 

You wanna call you're old friends to participate in fun, but still can't exactly be held to plans in case the child wants to change your plans...You have to remain fairly functionable in case you have to do some caretaking when you get home.  You are scared that their brand of fun might last until 6am which is really bad for the family life.  Sometimes you just think they aren't that fun but you want to find people that want to have fun like you used to have fucking fun a few years ago. 

Anyways, if anyone wants to help me out with the fun department.  I'm available most nights for happy hour and even more available after 9pm (when the baby goes to sleep) until midnight-ish.  I'm down to go gay bar dancing, happy hour crashing and anything else that screams fun.  

Some people want to bring sexy back, I just want to bring fun back.  Please help

Thursday, December 9, 2010

I found a new role model...

Since George Carlin died, I've been hard-pressed to find a new role model.  I always said I wanted to be him when I grew up (which will probably be never).  Larry David was a close second in that race but today, I worked with someone who I am proud to say is my new role model...Larry Charles. 

The great thing about him is that he totally looks like a homeless person and he's this brilliant director/ of the most successful comedy writers in LA.  He's not famous and he's just fucking cool....and did I say brilliant?  Wikipedia him...

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

How many weird things can happen in one day?

I'll answer that.  It's limitless!  My day starts out semi-normal.  Once I set foot outside of my living abode though is usually when things get weird.  I'm actually I'm stopped at a stoplight.  Some crazy old ass broad decides to push her shopping cart into my car and then proceed to scream at me for hitting her.  First of all, it wasn't your turn to walk yo...the little walking man was not on, it was the hand that tells you to HALT. 

Second of all, I wasn't moving.  How can I hit you when I'm stopped at a stop sign waiting for your gippy ass and 95 year old blind guy with one leg to stroll leisurey through the crosswalk.  So she decides to swear at me in espanol for a while and I smile and wave.

Next stop, is a fitting for this show called "Big Love".  I have no idea how I got booked on this show.  It's about morons (I spelled mormon like moron for a reason) in Utah and polygamists (Yes spelling nazi's out there, I may have spelled it wrong but I'm fucking tired and I have to get up at be angry and irate and berate my higher institution of learning for not teaching me how to fucking spell)  boo!

I digress, I have piercings, 20 tattoos and platinum blonde hair cut in a pixie cut.  Does that SCREAM Mormon bitch to you?  So I go to the fitting, mostly because they do pay you and you need to go to get more work..blah blah.  I try on my sexy compound garb which is a jean skirt down to my ankles and some ugly old lady pink blouse.  puke!  This is the first time I thought, I don't want this part...please give it to someone else who is dying to look ugly and frumpy on TV. 

I leave and decide to do a little shopping...(I'm not going to disclose the location in case...)  And a person who I think is crazy and maybe stalking me a bit was there.  One of those people that you say "hi" to and they talk your ear off for an hour or so...and you just can't really escape their zone.  You are way out...but not to mention the subject matter of above-mentioned nutso person's vocab.  Let's just say "thoughts of grandeur" is an underestimation.  If you've ever met a schizo or a meth head or just a really lonely homeless person, you know what kind of zone you could be trapped in.  Must avoid at all costs. 

I race over to the cash register to conceal my identity.  Egads, just as I'm about to make my escape...this lady I was chatting with earlier comes running over with a dress I was oogling and wants to give it to me.  OH NO!!  Now i have to go BACK and try this thing on...oh what to do...try on the dress and risk talking to crazy or throw the dress on the floor and pay for my stuff and get the hell out of dodge.

I threw the dress down and quickly made my escape.  I watch enough horror movies to know when to get the hell OUT! I go to CVS to get some vitamins and wouldn't you know it...the line is 20 people deep and one cash register chick who is about 9 months pregnant.  I'm being patient and waiting..waiting...waiting...but the dude behind me wasn't...

He just plain walked out with his red basket full of crap (toilet paper, shampoo, hemmroid cream, condoms, captain crunch, oj, doritos, denture cream, and cat litter)...nonchalantly too.  He actually sauntered out.  A saunter is kind of slow.  These ladies behind me are freaking out.  (Like they've never seen someone shoplift before)  STOP HIM...STOP HIM...they yell!  HE'S STEALING...The cash register lady looks at them with her protruding pregnant tummy and says; "You want me to chase him?  Should I leave and chase the guy for his toilet paper?"

At this point, she calls the security guard who doesn't even saunter...he literally moseys on over at a snails pace and looks out the door.  "Where did he go?"   The cash register lady says; "he left 15 minutes ago"...The "security" guard shrugs and walks away while continuing eating his snoball (little Debbie snack gross thing that is pink)...

Eventually I make my way to the front and pay for my stupid vitamins.  On the way home, wouldn't you know it...I see ol shoplifter with his red CVS basket still sauntering down MY STREET.  The shoplifter is one of my neighbors.  Sweet maybe I'll have to pick up a few pointers...learn how to saunter more effectively!